User Guide

Account Settings

You can view and edit current user’s account settings (Display Name, Email address and password) via this view.

About Overview

Overview provides information regarding license information and registered nodes. Note that licensing quota is based on number of Detect nodes with an expiration date.

Registered Node Information table provides details on actively running PADAS instances (other than this manager).


Upon initial login, PADAS Manager checks whether all required topics are created and available. If any one of the required topics is missing, you’ll be redirected to Topics view in order to view and update existing settings. This is a simple interface to create required Kafka topics through PADAS Manager interface.

Important Note: Number of partitions can NOT be changed/updated once a topic is created. This value depends on your data volume and scalability requirements. If you need to change/update this value for any reason, the topic will need to be deleted and created again with new values. For more information regarding topics, please refer to Topic Properties

If you need more control over topic creation, please consult your Kafka/PADAS administrator; you can also refer to Confluent Documentation.


Properties view provides configuration entries for Detect and Transform Engine components. You can click Edit button to enter in edit mode and make changes. Following table provides information on the form fields.

NOTE: You can upload (click Upload Properties from File button) and/or download (click Download Properties button) properties as a file. A sample properties file for Winlogbeat transformations can be found here: Winlogbeat Sysmon and Security

NOTE: You can click Add New Transformation button to add new input topics for analysis. The input topic must exist prior to starting PADAS Transform Engine.

NOTE: After any configuration changes, you will need to restart the corresponding component(s) (i.e. Detect and/or Transform Engine(s)). PADAS instances read and load the configuration upon starting.

Detect Engine Properties

Display Name Property Name Required Default Value Description
Omit Raw Data alerts.topic.omit.rawdata yes false Define whether to omit raw data when generating PADAS Alerts.
Omit Json Data alerts.topic.omit.jsondata yes false Define whether to omit JSON data when generating PADAS Alerts.
Event Datetime Pattern event.datetime.pattern yes yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ Timestamp pattern to extract from Padas Events. It is recommended use the default value.

Transform Engine Properties (for each Input Topic)
N starts with 0 and incremented by 1 (e.g. 0,1,2,3, etc.)

Display Name Property Name Required Default Value Description
Topic Name yes Define whether to omit raw data when generating PADAS Alerts.
Enabled input.topic.N.enabled no true Defines whether this transformation is enabled or not
Raw Data Field input.topic.N.rawdata.field no event value Defines the extracted field that has the raw event data. If undefined, all event value is used.
Omit Raw Data input.topic.N.omit.rawdata no false Defines whether to omit raw data when populating PADAS Events
Extraction input.topic.N.extraction no json Defines how to extract fields from input topic. Available values are json and regex. If regex is specified, Regex definition is used for extraction.
Regex input.topic.N.regex no Defines a regular expression on how to extract fields from the topic's value. Applicable only when extraction is set to regex. For regular expressions, only named-capturing groups are allowed currently for field extractions. Please refer to Java Regex Pattern for details.

Example for apache:
^(?<host>[^ ]*) [^ ]* (?<user>[^ ]*) \[(?<time>[^\]]*)\] "(?<method>\S+)(?: +(?<path>[^\"]*?)(?: +\S*)?)?" (?<code>[^ ]*) (?<size>[^ ]*)(?: "(?<referer>[^\"]*)" "(?<agent>[^\"]*)")?$
Timestamp Field input.topic.N.timestamp.field no Defines the extracted field to be used as the timestamp of the event. If left empty or unspecified, current time is used.
Timestamp Pattern input.topic.N.timestamp.pattern no yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ Defines the pattern for timestamp field, if specified.
Host Name no current hostname Defines the hostname for this event (static). This setting is only applicable if host.field is NOT specified.
Host Field no Defines the field to be used as hostname for this event (dynamic). This setting overwrites
Source Name no input topic name Defines the source for this event (static). This setting is only applicable if source.field is NOT specified.
Source Field input.topic.N.source.field no Defines the field to be used as source for this event (dynamic). This setting overwrites
Datamodel Name no input topic name Defines the datamodel for this event (static). This setting is only applicable if datamodel.field is NOT specified.
Datamodel Field input.topic.N.datamodel.field no Defines the field to be used as datamodel for this event (dynamic). This setting overwrites
Event src Value input.topic.N.src.value no Defines the source host/IP address for this event (static). This setting is only applicable if src.field is NOT specified.
Event src Field input.topic.N.src.field no Defines the field to be used as source host/IP address for this event (dynamic). This setting overwrites src.value
Event dest Value input.topic.N.dest.value no Defines the destination host/IP address for this event (static). This setting is only applicable if dest.field is NOT specified.
Event dest Field input.topic.N.dest.field no Defines the field to be used as destination host/IP address for this event (dynamic). This setting overwrites dest.value
Event user Value input.topic.N.user.value no Defines the user associated with this event (static). This setting is only applicable if user.field is NOT specified.
Event user Field input.topic.N.user.field no Defines the field to be used as the user identifer for this event (dynamic). This setting overwrites user.value

Properties View Sample


Rules view provides configuration entries for Detect Engine rules that are applicable to various data models (as specified in transformations or padas_events topic). Relevant schema for PADAS topics can be found here.

NOTE: You can upload (click Upload Rules from File button) and/or download (click Download Rules button) rules as a JSON file. An out-of-the-box JSON rule file is provided for Winlogbeat according to MITRE ATT&CK framework and can be found here: padasRules.json

NOTE: You can click Add New Rule button to add new detection rule.

NOTE: Any change in detection rules is effective immediately (updates padas_rules topic) and does NOT require any restart/refresh.

Detection Rules Configuration

Display Name JSON Field Name Type Required Default Value Description
Rule Name name string yes Rule name(e.g. Attack Detection - Successful Local Account Login).
Rule Description description string yes A brief description for this rule. (e.g. The successful use of Pass The Hash for lateral movement between workstations).
PDL Query pdl string yes PDL Query to match the event. (e.g. event_id=4624 AND event_data.TargetUserName!='ANONYMOUS LOGON'). Go to PDL Reference for details.
Enabled enabled boolean yes true Defines whether this rule is enabled and active.
Datamodel List datamodelList string array yes Comma separated list of Datamodels where this rule will be applicable to. These MUST match the datamodels in Padas Events (padas_events) topic, probably populated via Padas Transformation(s). (e.g. sysmon, wineventlog).
Additional/Optional Configuation
Omit Raw Data from alerts omitRawdataFromAlerts boolean yes false Defines whether to omit raw data from generated alert(s), i.e. padas_alerts topic.
Omit JSON Data from alerts omitJsondataFromAlerts boolean yes false Defines whether to omit JSON data from generated alert(s), i.e. padas_alerts topic.
References references string array no Comma separated list of references for this rule.
Platform platforms string no Applicable platform(s) for this rule. (e.g. Windows)
Domain domain string yes mitre_attack Applicable domain for this rule. (e.g. mitre_attack)
Severity severity string no String representing severity of this detection (e.g. medium)
Custom Annotations customAnnotations string array no Please enter any custom annotations (e.g. CIS20, KillChain, NIST, etc.) as a comma separated list pertinent to this rule
MITRE ATT&CK Annotations
(sub)Technique ID List mitreAnnotations string array no MITRE ATT&CK Technique and Subtechnique IDs as a comma separated list. (e.g. T1550, T1550.001, T1550.002).
Analytic Type analyticType string no Applicable analytic type for this rule according to MITRE Cyber Analytics Repository (e.g. Situational Awareness)
Datamodel References datamodelReferences[] PadasDatamodelReference string no List of datamodel reference triplets (object|action|field) separated by commas. (e.g. process|create|command_line, process|create|exe)

Rules View Sample